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Jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way...

Jingle Bells Guitar Tab# Y# O, u6 g5 g1 q) w4 p9 p
Guitar Tab and Guitar Chords to Play Jingle Bells' P0 P# j) \5 Z8 g
0 X) _, }8 C. e  J1 `/ P% b. n
Chords Used: C | F | G7 | D7 | C7
: `/ W& u% t5 |) `& S; L% `  S! o5 ^; t9 x. g) Y
C                                             F' Q, u" @. `/ N( i3 V7 A
Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh,
' p+ R/ ]7 W/ L9 ]3 f; j: H                   G7                   C- H( V# Y( Q0 r; b. ^3 T1 k
O'er the fields we go, laughing all the way," A( @8 N0 W0 f9 V1 m( x1 z
C                                      F) C3 X0 U, _+ c8 k0 G
Bells on bobtails ring, making spirits bright,
$ E2 j; R3 |/ M( T1 o                  G7                               C
1 E9 f) O9 p+ I" w) l/ S/ kWhat fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight, oh7 d$ K1 m/ b  P' s) @9 Y
  M- P0 C$ _6 B
Chorus:1 N7 o- S! W! j' t0 ~6 i/ \
C                                          C7% ]! B6 H1 U9 a9 D, M! Z
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,
# h& |  }4 m5 r% oF              C               D7             G7      
- W6 O! g, D$ `' \# q" eOh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, hey,! q4 Q; f6 l% s6 R% s/ P
C                                          C7
* p' Y2 Z. W: r+ B" FJingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,
& Q, }5 {, x3 n' [F              C               G7             C
$ |/ y2 h, d% ^3 Y' P: `* r9 Y, cOh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
! M, g5 a4 }) L% F5 h- x
, G3 L  Y7 [# v3 [# R' KAdditional Verses:
+ q* f1 [& c3 e& oA day or two ago,
; C  Y2 {7 ?* n( F. H. ^I thought I'd take a ride,
0 f3 I- h6 a! F1 P; J2 m2 l9 A: `And soon Miss Fanny Bright
6 U/ k' ?  U5 A' M' l, hWas seated by my side;3 _" M& N5 _0 W/ H. B7 Q
The horse was lean and lank;
; ]$ W2 M5 ^# k( pMisfortune seemed his lot;
( Z0 d" Q: c- ?1 {8 V- sHe got into a drifted bank,
# `1 @# N3 Q: [8 M) S, bAnd we, we got upsot.
$ l5 d! I& x9 ?+ F7 n) |9 f
1 u4 R5 \) _9 E- R3 B4 U9 k8 Z2 y0 OA day or two ago,
0 O8 V" g( k( @: vthe story I must tell" ?" ~, }1 |) E: O* J5 J
I went out on the snow
9 |# D9 t4 k1 c$ k$ l5 c  sAnd on my back I fell;
& x' I4 h$ j. c+ B; k) d6 UA gent was riding by
' P  ]; E6 s( R6 E0 _# _In a one-horse open sleigh,, U* I! P2 H& W) ]- O! N2 K
He laughed as there
) x3 m& A% U1 HI sprawling lie,
2 X  Z" G2 ]9 O- {7 KBut quickly drove away.3 w2 g' w4 O. j/ N9 s% d
$ D% |/ u* d; L& M/ L, e
Now the ground is white) x. a( t7 Q. p$ A
Go it while you're young,
  U: a" o0 K- `. h( z+ B: M7 cTake the girls tonight
5 L% n4 h& E; a% _0 p6 _7 tAnd sing this sleighing song;* {. g" e% ]) B; F
Just get a bob-tailed bay* t8 W& _) T# d" K3 D9 Y
two-forty as his speed3 `& \  D/ h% K0 }* }! A
Hitch him to an open sleigh
; M6 o* R7 x7 M2 O: y, EAnd crack! you'll take the lead.
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% Q9 O: \1 M8 N/ V- H刚好圣诞节要来了。。。
% T6 t8 D3 G6 M; I6 H) @. O5 x多谢分享!
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8 P( m* J& \; h' i  l- J
: P! U+ ?+ I( y, H! M2 o2 f5 ?8 o8 g" G& x4 C# `5 L( ~
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