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Tyvek® Medical Packaging Transition Project, DuPont, DuPont USA, pharmaceutical contract packaging.#Pharmaceutical #contract #packaging
<p>DuPont™ Tyvek® Medical Packaging Transition Project (MPTP) DuPont is transitioning Tyvek® 1073B and Tyvek® 1059B to manufacturing lines that use the latest flash-spinning technology to help ensure greater continuity and flexibility of future supply. The DuPont™ Tyvek® Medical Packaging Transition Project, known as the MPTP, includes a systematic method for generating data to prove that the Tyvek® produced on the new lines is functionally equivalent in performance to the Tyvek® you purchase today. This is being done in an effort to help mitigate regulatory requalification and minimize costs to individual companies serving this market. Functional equivalence means that the attribute ...</p>
<p>The post Tyvek® Medical Packaging Transition Project, DuPont, DuPont USA, pharmaceutical contract packaging.#Pharmaceutical #contract #packaging appeared first on Insurance.</p>
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