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pulp_disco_2000(1).rar (1.7 KB)
) @6 O$ ]$ L8 j9 u7 Z
. C4 Q9 G, @! xDISCO 2000!!!!!!6 y+ A' }: |+ w3 U+ h& \: p  E- X
- I1 [2 _/ z7 i. Z
    Well we were born within one hour of each other. Our mothers said we
9 Z% f, r1 g4 h- i5 M8 b    could be sister and brother. Your name is Deborah. Deborah. It never% ~/ o+ L4 P9 ]$ `8 }( V) N; b
    suited ya. Oh they thought that when we grew up we'd get married,/ i0 Q! G2 E8 {9 E) R
    never split up. We never did it although often I thought of it. Oh4 O' A: P1 h" p
    Deborah do you recall. Your house was very small with wood chip on
3 S1 @3 I4 H8 l    the wall. When I came around to call you didn't notice me at all. I said
6 E. O0 U$ s; W+ e    let's all meet up in the year 2000. Won't it be strange when we're all* B. {# ~1 h) A6 K4 U/ G
    fully grown. Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road. I never
- C1 A# w6 e" }% c+ C. t" D7 b    knew that you'd get married. I would be living down here on my own on% ~4 U% {" k- _2 I" ?& P  @
    that damp and lonely Thursday years ago. You were the first girl at8 O5 n5 L3 |" N5 z- d
    school to get breasts. Martyn said that yours were the best. The boys
: d* F# s( t% B  Y8 A8 n( ~" B    all loved you but I was a mess. I had to watch them trying to get you, w( m2 [2 r  ^7 T# R" o
    undressed. We were friends but that was as far as it went. I used to
2 }9 p( y  A" ]* }$ f0 @; D    walk you home. Sometimes it meant nothing to you cause you were so
4 H& D! D  w2 Z( J    very popular. Ah Deborah do you recall. Your house was very small
0 X: V( J* `4 P; g( C$ B8 z& Z    with woodchip on the wall. When I came around to call you didn't notice. {2 A- U9 h8 `; |" k
    me at all. I said let's all meet up in the year 2000. Won't it be strange+ P# j. m7 _7 |# I% I+ p  |; T8 T8 `
    when we're all fully grown. Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down" D. F8 X1 `; g) D' \2 `
    here on my own on that damp and lonely Thursday years ago. Oh yeah,
4 Q9 E3 k8 k  g* z, u+ T) T    oh yeah. And now you've paid your money and you've taken your
( E/ F  R. A' S# o9 a& Z3 v9 y    choice. I know we'll never meet again but I want you to know, want you& |! V+ s- A6 o! n: [
    to know that I remember every single thing. Ah do you recall. Your8 t, W& [0 N  U: W# r! b
    house was very small with wood chip on the wall. When I came around
. T# N7 k$ n/ ~7 P    to call you didn't notice me at all. I said let's all meet up in the year- I; {5 O0 x& K
    2000. Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown. Be there at 2
7 @/ o9 Y  [6 e# H2 |  N% |0 p    o'clock by the fountain down the road. I never knew that you'd get
8 l( Z, G% f( _0 [9 u    married. I would be living down here on my own on that damp and lonely
5 @& s7 |% t; b( M/ H1 e    Thursday years ago. Oh what are you doing Sunday baby. Would you- q8 H. u& |6 K0 _) m' m2 t' J% h
    like to come and meet me maybe you can even bring your baby. Ohhh* h" B6 B! f& t- |+ W8 T' s- f+ ]
    ooh ooh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. What are you doing Sunday baby. Would you) B/ H! }% b8 z, I! |
    like to come and meet me baby you can even bring your baby. Ooh ooh
. d- F! I: B4 s8 o) s    oh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. Oh.
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