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標題: goliqgedzkbl [打印本頁]

作者: hzoaysquzaiq    時間: 2014-12-12 15:19     標題: goliqgedzkbl

ugg italia So there it stood — a dingy shingle roof overgrown with moss — a quaint little porch and two numerously paned windows on each side ‘Fancy an imp of Beelzebub like yon in the bowels o’ the earth Rising to his feet, with a hearty curse, he picked up his hat and put it on; then, thrusting his hands into his pockets, he slouched slowly along, bent upon meeting his wife and picking a quarrel with her  â€™ Far away westward, where the sun — a molten ball of fire — was sinking behind the snow-clad peaks, frowned long lines of gloomy clouds — like prison bars through which the sinking orb glowed fiercely Have ye seen onything doon in this pit o’ Tophet o’ the bairn that rin away?’ ’

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