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標題: Bon Jovi - These Days 感人好聽阿~~附中文歌詞 [打印本頁]

作者: 0彭帥0    時間: 2011-7-18 21:44     標題: Bon Jovi - These Days 感人好聽阿~~附中文歌詞

[Youtube]UCUzwEst3pE&feature[/Youtube]4 j( m. _* U/ n% `9 z
最後的倫敦人好多~~~; {: i! z6 C6 |& y# t  a6 B% ]" k+ G
當Rock Star真爽@@
0 _3 U* z# F6 c9 C7 d2 F; b) Q1 L+ ~1 e* j  H$ W
I was walking around, just a face in the crowd
7 w5 ], g* |8 L: n# G1 e% n, x3 ?在洶湧的人群中 我不過是張陌生的臉+ ~7 C& N, S, [( H* A
Trying to keep myself out of the rain% q) B) M& @* d% _9 A3 c: v8 h/ o
" V# D% a! i3 ?& P) N0 l8 R& MSaw a vagabond king wear a styrofoam crown: |' D* {% j$ i# A
街上有個流浪漢頭戴保麗龍做的皇冠6 D0 M8 p# L& p* O  |
Wondered if I might end up the same
3 Z. @2 e0 b5 H0 W) _8 b不曉得我會不會淪落到這個地步7 K; Y+ F: M+ H! W+ i; z! n
There's a man out on the corner, singing old songs about change
( i: ^5 e* ]3 @& S* g轉角的街頭藝人,唱著關於時代變遷的老歌
- ~5 A% g- V, y3 r8 zEverybody got their cross to bare, these days
  I: W' d+ F0 [" `/ p; ~- Y( w* [這個年代 每個人心中都承受著苦痛
  {2 o; y' W5 \9 G1 G4 X# ^0 f, n9 Y/ R* O+ R' C  x
She came looking for some shelter with a suitcase full of dreams% C1 G1 m- o0 ?  s
$ U6 B0 [. P3 i" G; t' c% ?6 R' DTo a motel room on the boulevard
5 Y8 `6 z' I, \  h最後落腳在大街上的汽車旅館
- I" [9 J* \) @" {/ h1 s9 O& l/ aI guess she's trying to be James Dean9 k5 S4 V0 U1 x/ P! |$ J
. Y, q3 w! [) Q# DShe's seen all the disciples and all the "wanna be's"
; y% Z! n' V% C6 l' V# t5 f% ~她看遍這個年代的拜金主義者,與汲汲名利的眾生  I$ ?4 r9 ?8 s
No one wants to be themselves these days
' A4 x( ?) j) ]這個年代沒有人想做自己/ G$ R' y# C& `
Still there's nothing to hold on to but these days
9 Z# ^4 B+ ^& q) I, g8 E* t8 X4 ^也沒有什麼信念可以寄託
* _; D0 A. X, E9 N6 @These days - the stars seem out of reach
3 n" v% n* l) ^, a' Q) |9 x這個年代 星星似乎遙不可及
! c$ m2 F$ ?, yThese days - there ain't a ladder on these streets
3 M, }6 P2 r5 b這個年代 人人都想一步登天- d# y- ^! ^) H3 L, c
These days - are fast, love don't last in this graceless age1 u5 b% A& X; M8 c
時代蛻變迅速 沒有永遠的愛情 在這個不道德的年代& P* h* `3 p( v2 {. K
There ain't anybody left but but us these days! \" e% R9 v) ^; h; d
5 U/ S: T8 G( I3 ]% UJimmy shoes busted both his legs, trying to learn to fly
1 H1 q" ^& F. `8 Y' e( P' K* m, G他綁住自己的雙腳,想學會如何飛行' a) o5 i. z: r& o3 ?
From a second story window, he just jumped and closed his eyes) C( L$ i8 @) f) J" ]% ~
6 ?9 E) O, m, N% m$ \5 @- q2 u, g9 UHis mamma said he was crazy - he said mamma "I've got to try"
2 _0 ?9 M0 Z* M+ y) D# ]: X% D母親說他瘋了,他跟媽媽說"我必須這樣做"/ |2 Y- r' f+ a/ d5 h; |+ ]' Y
Don't you know that all my heroes died1 ^2 x- g  d! f. S" `* W
2 E$ o, \' h* _6 A- AAnd I guess I'd rather die than fade away  X4 }6 b# N3 u- T/ E
" {$ p) B, i3 c, oThese days - the stars seem out of reach% t- I! ]/ ^. h
這個年代 星星似乎遙不可及. O# ^8 f: X! m1 Z- P8 S" o, A3 g5 `
But these days - there ain't a ladder on the streets
9 ^' ^* _/ ^) o這個年代 人人都想一步登天
2 M- z& p, }3 a7 \These days - are fast, nothing lasts in this graceless age
" q3 Z/ m) G3 }6 N9 |時代蛻變迅速 沒有什麼可以永遠 在這個不道德的年代
$ f/ c; J0 ~" a+ d% u) J2 IEven innocence has caught the midnight train; j$ W+ ]6 e  G
純真亦無處容身! B3 F9 ^; R$ t5 r
And there ain't anybody left but but us these days
0 w; A+ L+ s5 j最後只有我們被時代洪流所遺忘; O  o+ R# E# G/ v- O6 X

( K. @8 v7 ]0 a/ GI know Rome's still burning
, J1 Q5 P/ z+ S7 Z墮落如古羅馬終究被大火焚燬
0 M+ g) J$ I" QThough the times have changed
+ t9 L' N* q) `7 F, y雖然時代不同 但我深信真理不變
, X, r4 p# o) B' s2 d9 DThis world keeps turning round and round and round and round7 @% ]. `, c& k+ C$ f
這個年代 世界不停轉變
' _1 w) ^4 ^' J! W7 T3 NThese days% t4 L; y6 O" E% K) h+ z- k

, V  o3 b+ t1 Y4 {3 ~. J+ h0 B/ N2 n* a+ f! J
These days - the stars seem out of reach
: H( \6 F5 L2 _, _# n  S這個年代 星星似乎遙不可及, ]/ k2 g, s# `
But these days - there ain't a ladder on the streets; ^* f) O# C5 \& i9 p) d3 x/ i
這個年代 人人都想一步登天2 p  y& g8 c" u* j
These days - are fast, nothing lasts in this graceless age$ k" [4 W0 K( c* U5 g+ W! ~! B; g
時代蛻變迅速 沒有什麼可以永遠 在這個不道德的年代* h8 I, |; o% y- J* ^" ^* x
Even innocence has caught the midnight train5 a9 C) }  ]: z# w. [
1 K2 Q+ |) K9 w# P% q3 GAnd there ain't anybody left but but us these days# a7 I; ?  c2 {& Z; F) m/ d
最後只有我們被時代洪流所遺忘) w+ ^5 u% h2 v0 z7 X6 A# k

$ z/ K% }+ V0 h9 FThese days - the stars seem out of reach) f* G( e' U* ?' }
這個年代 星星似乎遙不可及/ m" Y7 X# c- f$ F: \: i( `* @
But these days - there ain't a ladder on the streets
1 P# [# ]& W: w& m1 T, b這個年代 人人都想一步登天$ n1 m' R4 ]; [
These days - are fast, nothing lasts in this graceless age& r( k, A( l3 H
時代蛻變迅速 沒有什麼可以永遠 在這個不道德的年代- L3 h" Y# n; R' O) t! }' R. y
There ain't no time to waste
8 F- ?# O7 j5 A# u; R; F似乎不該浪費時間思考這些  J$ o9 j* T/ }
There ain't anybody left to take the blame
3 I4 G2 D( C# h似乎不該有任何人為一切負責* f+ G" o; C6 J" m) Z8 n2 A
And there ain't anybody left but but us these days
7 S( K5 _6 k/ \3 H最後只有我們被時代洪流所遺忘
* y* f% ]) K2 V$ v  y: xThere ain't anybody left but but us these days
9 V! I$ `' q5 T) P" j' i) q最後只有我們被時代洪流所遺忘
作者: 0彭帥0    時間: 2011-7-18 22:02

作者: TKdogQ    時間: 2011-7-19 02:34

# }4 g  c7 \4 J* d- a( n9 T+ l但最後一句7 I2 p, o. f3 {1 N
"最後只有我們被時代洪流所遺忘"0 `0 P* i2 z3 y. e

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